All of our classes are currently full, please see our Admissions page for further information.
Junior Infants 2025/26 applications are now closed - we are operating a waiting list (refer to Admissions page).
Here in Holy Trinity National School, we try and foster a positive attitude towards the learning of Irish. We encourage children to use Irish as a language of communication both in the classroom and around the school. A large emphasis is placed on the teaching of Irish through oral language. This is done through singing songs, reciting poems and rhyme and playing oral language games and activities. Our main goal is to get the children communicating in Irish, to use their ‘cúpla focail’ and give it a go!
The children begin to learn to read and write in Irish from second class onwards. It is important to encourage your child to do their Irish reading as part of their homework, in order to develop their fluency in Irish. We encourage parents to use their ‘cúpla focail’ at home with their children. Below is the link to a fantastic booklet that is very useful for any parents that would like to improve their own Irish.
Déanaimid iarracht meon dearfach a cothú i leith foghlaim na Gaeilge anseo i Scoil na Tríonóide Naofa. Spreagaimid na páistí an Ghaeilge a úsáid mar theanga cumarsáide istigh sa seomra ranga agus timpeall na scoile. Cuirtear an-bhéim ar theanga ó bhéal i nGaeilge. Déantar é seo tríd amhráin a chanadh, aithris a dhéanamh ar dánta agus rímeanna agus cluichí agus gníomhaiochtaí teanga ó bhéal a imirt. Páistí ag cumarsáid trí Ghaeilge is ea an príomh aidhm atá againn. An cúpla focail a úsáid agus triail a bhaint as! Tosaíonn na páistí ag léamh agus ag scíobh i nGaeilge ó rang a dó ar aghaidh. Déan cinnte go bhfuil do pháiste ag déanamh a obair bhaile léitheoireachta i nGaeilge sa bhaile, chun a líofacht léitheoireachta a fheabhsú. Tuismitheoirí – úsáid do chúpla focail sa bhaile le do phaistí má tá sé agat. Seo a leanas an nasc le haghaidh leabhrán iontach atá an-úsáideach le haghaidh aon tuismitheoir atá ag iarraidh feabhas a chuir ar a gcuid Gaeilge.